Wednesday, August 23, 2006

T-Rex - New parts ordered

I ordered some electronics for the Rex as they are needed to move forward with the build. I will say that my choices were based on extensive research, and I will briefly discuss why I have chosen the parts that I did. Servos are what control the heads angle and also the blade pitch. There are many different kinds, sizes, and brands of servo. The T-Rex being a smaller heli requires a "micro servo" I have chosen the Hitec HS65 MG, this servo has metal gears which is why it is the best for my heli. When you crash your heli (you will crash) your servos will most likely get stripped if you are using the standard plastic gears.

The next component that I bought was the Futaba 146ip receiver and crystal. The receiver (rx) is the device in the heli the receives the radio stick inputs (up, down, left, right, etc.) The 146ip is just a very popular rx for my model, I will also be buying a Futaba radio when my wallet permits me to.

I needed a few other miscellaneous tools and parts. I bought a blade balancer, a pitch gauge, some Deans connectors, a swash leveler.

Money in the pit

All of these parts are from ReadyHeli

$3.95 Deans connectors
$11.99 Pitch guage
$74.95 Futaba 146ip receiver
$12.95 Receiver frequency crystal
$107.85 (3) Hitec HS 65MG micro servos
$4.95 Blade balancer
$13.95 Swash plate leveler

Sub total $230.59

Total so far $911

T-Rex - Electronic speed controller mod

Ok Align has done something really strange with the latest version of their Electronic Speed Controller (ESC). It seems that someone over on R&D decided that it was alright to mount the heatsink on the outside of the heatshrink tubing! not a great idea. I found this nifty little tidbit in the HeliFreak forum, and followed the directions layed out by Finless.
I will remove the heatshrink tubing and heatsink and thermal epoxy it to the appropriate spot on the controller, then I will re-apply the heatshrink tubing. Here is a "before" picture of the ESC

Here are a couple of shots of the process and the after.
I am happy with the way it turned out. I made sure that I didn't bridge the connections on the MOSFETS

Money in the pit
$11.00Artic Silver epoxy from

Total so far $681

T-Rex - more progress

I was able to get some more work done on the Rex last night. I installed the motor which proved to be a real pain. I need to buy better allen keys, the ones I have are the standard "L" shaped ones and they make it really hard to fit in tight areas. I will be picking up some of the ones with handles like a standard screwdriver. Installing the motor and getting the gears to mesh took quite a while as they need to be just right. The next step was to assemble the landing gear and install on the frame. This step was easy yet a pain in the butt as the screws to secure the gear to the frame are the smallest allen screws you have ever seen and I think the plating on the allen head had filled in the screw head preventing my allen key from seating properly. I did get it installed.