Wednesday, August 23, 2006

T-Rex - Electronic speed controller mod

Ok Align has done something really strange with the latest version of their Electronic Speed Controller (ESC). It seems that someone over on R&D decided that it was alright to mount the heatsink on the outside of the heatshrink tubing! not a great idea. I found this nifty little tidbit in the HeliFreak forum, and followed the directions layed out by Finless.
I will remove the heatshrink tubing and heatsink and thermal epoxy it to the appropriate spot on the controller, then I will re-apply the heatshrink tubing. Here is a "before" picture of the ESC

Here are a couple of shots of the process and the after.
I am happy with the way it turned out. I made sure that I didn't bridge the connections on the MOSFETS

Money in the pit
$11.00Artic Silver epoxy from

Total so far $681

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