Thursday, September 28, 2006

More RC

Well I bought something to keep me going while I fix my heli. I bought a Nitro stadium truck and it's sick!! I got the Traxxas Jato 3.3. This truck screams. I does 0-60 in about 4 seconds and tops out at 65 MPH. I am really lovin' this on my lunch break. I had previously tried to fly the T-Rex during lunch at the RC airfield near my work but I found it too windy(near the beach). So now I can rip around the parking lots with the Jato instead. Did I forget to mention that it will do a wheelie @ 40MPH while throwing a rooster tail of dirt. Smokin!

Money into the Jato pit:

$549 for kit batteries fuel and tools @ LHS

T-Rex - Crashed again

So I went to my personal field, the cemetary, to get in a couple of flights and was surprised to find a bunch of people burying someone in my field...bummer. I decided to go to a different location to fly. The other location was different in that there was no flat surface to take off from. I tried it anyway and you can guess the rest. I think I got some grass caught up in the tail rotor or something. Needless to say I crashed again. The crash wasn't that bad I had all of the parts to fix the problem but I am still re-setting up my head. I am still struggling with getting equal positive and negative pitch on the blades. Anyway the saga continues.

Crash analysis:

2 dented blades but still useable
bent flybar
bent feathering shaft
bent main shaft
main gear shredded