The next component that I bought was the Futaba 146ip receiver and crystal. The receiver (rx) is the device in the heli the receives the radio stick inputs (up, down, left, right, etc.) The 146ip is just a very popular rx for my model, I will also be buying a Futaba radio when my wallet permits me to.

I needed a few other miscellaneous tools and parts. I bought a blade balancer, a pitch gauge, some Deans connectors, a swash leveler.
Money in the pit
All of these parts are from ReadyHeli
$3.95 Deans connectors
$11.99 Pitch guage
$74.95 Futaba 146ip receiver
$12.95 Receiver frequency crystal
$107.85 (3) Hitec HS 65MG micro servos
$4.95 Blade balancer
$13.95 Swash plate leveler
Sub total $230.59
Total so far $911
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