I had already trimmed the canopy flashing that is left over from the molding process. The next step is to scuff the surface with steel wool, or scotchbrite. Once the surface was scuffed I wiped it down with alcohol to remove the dust, I applied 2 coats of grey primer and let dry. I then wet sanded with 600 grit sandpaper. Now for the fun stuff. I happen to have an air brush and compressor so that was money I didn't have to spend. I applied a basr coat of yellow/green pearl and let that dry. I then followed up with a teal pearl fade from the nose forward and up the center. I am no pro with the airbrush but I am pleased with the result. Tomorrow I will be sealing it with multiple coats of clear so that it shines. I might try some accents with the airbrush prior to the clear if I can get the airbrush tuned properly.

Money in the pit
$38.75 Paints and supplies from Hobbytown
$39.69 color shift paints from Countdown Hobbies
sub total: $78.44
Total so far: $1532.39
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