The next step is to solder the conectors on the motor and the ESC, the kit that I have came with the motor and ESC as well as the bullet connectors and heat shrink tubing. I started to re-tin the wires and noticed that my solder wasn't flowing well and realized that the iron I was using was only a 23 watt iron, so off to Radio Shack I went. I bought a 45 watt iron and an additional tip...more money in the pit. It is also good to have desildering braid on hand if your solder gets messy. The solder job went as planned and I also did the ESC with a Deans connector that I ordered when I ordered the servos and such.

I am now able to plan my wiring route so that all of my wires are neat and tidy. It took quite a while to figure out how I was going to route the wires but I did it and this is how it looks.

Money in the pit
$ 10.00 Soldering iron and tip
$ 4.00 long handled allen keys
Total so far $925
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