Well after realizing I needed more out of my entry level fixed pitch r/c heli I started researching more advanced kits with better performance... so out on the net I went.
I cannot remember where I first was exposed to the AlignT-Rex 450 SE V2 but the more I searched and the more I read the more I knew this was the bird for me. The T-Rex is a very popular heli, therefore there are many forums and/or discussions on the net regarding it's assembly, setup and just about anything else related. I have settled on www.helifreaks.com as my forum of choice. One of the reasons that helifreks is my forum of choice is the atmosphere there, everyone is very helpful to people of all skill levels. I have rarely seen negative comments. The next reason is Bob White aka. "Finless". Bob has a forum area that has "build" and "setup" videos, as well as others, that I find invaluable. Bob is a real credit to the hobby.
Anyway this is the intro to this blog, I will go into my parts selection process, where I purchased my goods, my stumbling points, and other points of interest on this latest of my obsessions.
Other posts soon to follow.
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