Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Walbro fuel pump install video

Installing a better fuel pump will help with some of the custom ECU maps you install. When you change the factory tune of your car and start making more horsepower, you run the risk of exceeding the fuel systems' capabilities. Some of the open source maps actually require the Walbro 255lph fuel pump. I did much research and determined that I could handle this install. I read this how-to from XPT Tuning. This install requires that you dremel the fuel pump assembly to accommodate the larger fuel pump. The double o-ring trick is also required. This trick is where you stack 2 Viton 203 o-rings to create a better seal. The o-rings are available at Napa. Part number 2-12093 is a box of 2 for $1.98. I originally tried a piece of Viton tubing to see if I could come up with a better "Trick" but my efforts did not work. I knew my Viton tubing trick didn't work because when I would try to start the car it would crank 4-5 times instead of the normal 2-3 times. This is caused by it losing pressure due to a weak seal. So the second time I ripped my car apart I did a video thinking it might help the next person that tries this install.
Disclaimer: I am not a mechanic and am not responsible for you breaking your car, this is a just a video of what I did. There is a risk of fire or even explosion if you are near a flame or electrical spark. Remember to disconnect your battery!

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